Dr Kwaku Mensah Ganu, holds MSc and PhD degrees in Sociology specializing in development studies with emphasis on rural development.

He has been in the publishing industry since1985 during which time he was employed at Ghana Universities Press where he became the Director and Chief Executive Officer from 1996 to 2008. In 2010 he and some colleagues floated a publishing company, GAVOSS Education PLC Ltd, where he became the Chief Executive Officer to date and engaged in scholarly and academic books publishing and currently with more than 25 titles in his repertoire.

Dr Ganu has been involved in copyright advocacy work since 1990 and became a member of the Board of the erstwhile Copyright Society of Ghana (COSGA) from 2001 to 2007 and then served as a member of the Interim Management Committee (IMC) of COSGA) from 2007 to 2009. When COPYGHANA (The Reproduction Rights Organization), finally came into being in 2010, Dr Ganu became a member of its first Board and later as its Vice-Chairman until February 2023.

Dr Ganu attended many workshops and seminars most of which he served either as a resource person or facilitator and contributed so much to the literature of copyright and collective management of rights through papers presented at such conferences.

Besides the advocacy work in copyright, Dr Ganu has been a consultant/researcher in development policy analysis and editing various development publications for UNDP (Ghana), UNDP (Malawi) and UNCTAD (Geneva). He was also the lead consultant for Textbook Approval Processes for NACCA under a Technical Assistance Support Programme for the Ghana Pre-Tertiary Education Curriculum (KG –P6) Roll Out (2019).Dr Kwaku Mensah Ganu is also credited with some 35 publications and consultancy reports in the fields of development and education.